Weekend out, just the four of us. Kassy, Susan, Myra(dog) and I.

Put in at Wahweap about 7:30pm Friday evening, about an hour before dark. Made our way into Warm Creek and the wind was a bit much from the West. We headed for what I call Border Channel that heads toward Gunsite and Padre Bay, the first little cove to the left had a nice sandy spot sheltered by the wind. Made anchor just before dark. Traveled about 7.5 miles and called our camp spot “North of the Border”.

Next morning we took off for our primary destination, Escalante Canyon. We made Rock Creek about 20 or so miles where Kassy showed us a spot she had camped with friends the year before. Another short distance we made Dangling Rope, A floating gas station about 30 miles from Wahweap. With a few detores we put in about 38.5 miles and 10 gallons of gas at this point.

So from here it’s about another 8 miles to turn off for Rainbow Bridge, 16 miles to the San Juan River, 23 miles to Hole in the Rock and about 26 miles to Escalante Canyon. 5 miles up the Escalante we turn up Davis Gulch 3 miles to check out La Gorce Arch. Here we ate lunch under a large alcove overhang. 72.5 miles we have traveled from Wahweap thus far.

After lunch, exploring the Escalante a bit more and even some wakesurfing, we headed down lake back toward Wahweap. Looking for a campsite, the upper area we were at didn’t seem to offer much. Oak Bay is a place we have camped before and our old site was available, what luck. 16 miles back down the lake we made anchor and spent the evening wakesurfing and just relaxing.

Sunday morning, time to head out. After dumping about 16 gallons of gas we had with us and eating a bite of breakfast we slowly started down the lake. A quick jog up one of our favorite canyons, Cathedral, it’s a bit of tradition, We slowly cruised soaking in the beauty and awe of one of our favorite places.

Entering Wahweap Bay, no one was ready to leave yet so we found a little private sandy cove to eat lunch and play for the last time before heading home.

Travel stats:

  • North of the Border – 7.5 miles
  • Dangling Rope – 38.6 miles
  • Escalante (Arch) – 72.5
  • Back to Oak Bay – 111.5
  • Wahweap Dock – 163.5

54 Gallon Gas Total